Wednesday, August 5, 2020

RCSchims MEGA FPV Antennatest 2020 (most accurate yet, interactive results webpage!)

Hope this helps you decide which antenna to use and what to expect!

►Derove's INTERACTIVE visualization in Tableau
Antenna OVERVIEW (with pics & links)

My test-setup:
I use 1mW on the transmitter, 10m distance to a VERY SENSITIVE receiver (Aaronia Spectran HF6065 -150dB! and take enough samples to get an average. 
I measure antennas in their best orientation (vertical for omnis) and the worst (antenna null point "above" the omni antenna).
Fun fact:
As my test suggests that Lollipop 1 is better than 2 and 3, here I read that Lolli1 was PCB style (like Lumenier AXII) and 2 was spw style. That explains why the Lolli1 was their best antenna - because they cloned a good one :)

Greets, Mario

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