Thursday, March 16, 2017

Runcam Swift2, Foxeer HS1190 and more FPV cams compared (accurate latency measurements!)

See my new, ACCURATE, latency measurements here (thanks Daemon42). Now we're down to +-5ms accuracy! Those cams are pretty impressive. Runcam Eagle had good reviews already, Swift2 and HS1190 are good as well. I also compared the Owl+ and the AMOWay. Image looks good on most cams if DWDR options is turned on.

►Cams tested:
Foxeer HS1190
Runcam: Swift1, Swift2, Eagle(16:9), Owl+
Aomway WDR 700 (Cmos)

LATENCY [ms]: (LED test, accuracy +-5ms)
19 Owl+
20 hs1190
24 Swift2
24 AOMWay
30 Swift1
47 Eagle (processing comes with a lag penalty...)

►TIP: additional OSD: (volts, Nickname, Timer):
Press and hold the button UP for 2 seconds to enter OSD Setting menu

►Settings: leave most settings on default - BUT ENABLE
the DWDR setting! It's like "turning on the light" - AWESOME!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

DJI Mavic Pro Accessories II with LIVEStream Giveaway

As I promised you guys: if I do reviews (or get invited to) I try to get free stuff for you as well!

The live draw as recorded video: