Sunday, November 28, 2021

6S LIPO Packs longterm testing (RCSchim Volt sag test)

I tested all those packs 1.6years ago (when new) and now again after a longer periode of usage and (good) care. See the results quite well documented (since I'm an excel data nerd ;)

●▬▬▬LINKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ►Excel file and DJI SRT converter: ►iSDT FD200 (Discharger): ►►1st LIPO Test 1.6years ago: ►older LIPO video: ► BURNING LIPO - when "punctured": ►Bardwell's video: Lipos tested: (those are the old links from back then, looks like they are still sold there): 1 Tiger Power Atomic Platinum 2 iFlight Fullsend 3 Beat Lipo 1300mah 4 XF Power 1300mah 5 DemonRC 1100mAh 6 DemonRC 1250mAh 7+8 Tattu R-Line3 1300mAh 9 CNHL Black Series 1300mah 10 Gaoneng GN3 11 AHTech Infinity (*note about the ranking: back then I also took price and weight into consideration, now it's only ranked about their Volt Sag result)

Sunday, November 14, 2021

DJI FPV Kaiju Antennareview

Kaiju: a giant monster of a type featured in Japanese fantasy (Gozilla is a type kaiju).
Buy the Kaiju here: (no affiliate link!)
Claim: 9.63mi / 15.4km Gain: 9dBi @ 5.8 6.5Dbi @ 2.4 Pol: linear, vertical Horiz. Beam: 5.8: 55° 2.4:75° Vert.Beam: 5.8: 65° 2.4:70° Tested over 30 times out in the desert by flying different designs! Each antenna is hand made. When ordering don't forget to specify the Pilot's name to be engraved. ------------------------- ORT: DigieyesV2: 11dBi 2.4/5.8 ? Horiz: 110° V:75° Review: I DONT earn money with affiliate links - I'm not a sales guy, here you get HONEST reviews and opinions. If you wanna support me: 👍, sub, 🔔, watch, share or even become a PATRON: (there's early access and behind the scenes stuff over there!) ●▬▬▬LINKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ►Test data as XLSx, Script download: ORT Digieyes2 Review: SRT tutorial: MadsTech review:

Monday, November 1, 2021

Waldbrand Hirschwang, viele Helikopter und Löschflugzeuge

Am 26.10.21 brach der bisher größte Waldbrand in Österreich aus. Mindestens eine Woche hatten die Einsatzkräfte damit zu kämpfen (und trotz Regens ist es immer noch nicht endgültig gelöscht). Vom Boden schwer zu bekämpfen (unwegsam!) muss hier schon Einiges in der Luft anrücken: Airbus H125 (Polizei), Alouette III, Agusta-Bell AB-212 2 Blackhawks, ein roter Super Puma, eine slovakische Mil Mi-171 und die italienischen Wasserflugzeuge vom Typ Canadair CL-415. (Tip: nutzt den Index wenn ihr bestimmte Maschinen sehen wollt!) Toll zu sehen, daß die Nachbarländer so toll mithelfen. Danke an alle Beteiligten!
26.Oct 2021 a huge forrest fire (for our scale) was started. It seems thru an abandoned campfire - but also because the forrest was very dry due to long periods of no rain.
Now it's over a week and each day 500 or more firefighters and many helicopters and planes try to extinguish the fire! It's especially difficult due to the rough terrain (very steep!). In the next days rain is forecasted - so it should end soon! Despite the incredible damage to the woods (will take 20+ years to repair) it was a spectacular sight to see all those copters in the air and amazing to see so much people work together to achieve one goal! Great to see neighbouring countries (Italia, Slovakia and Germany) stepping in to help us. Forrest fires of that scale are seldom in Austria - that's why we don't have enough large helicopters or planes. Also it looks like the water-planes Italy sent are not optimal - large rivers or lakes to fill up the planes water tank are mostly too far away... Thanks to all involved, thank you for watching (and reading this description), greets, Mario ●▬▬▬LINKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Location: Hirschwang an der Rax ●▬▬▬Credits▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Thanks @Hover82 (for plane fillup video from today!): Credits: Wiener Zeitung: for parts of Mil Mi 171 and "TeamAigner" on Tiktok (thanks Hover for showing me this funny clip) ●▬▬▬EQUIPMENT▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Filmed with: Panasonic GH5, GX8, 100-400mm Lens, or 14-140mm (times 2) Edited on Premiere Pro