Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Runcam Split HD Review

Contents of my review (use chapters!): Installation (not so easy), Latency (high) choppy live video quality, 2.7k video quality samples (with trick for optimal quality) Weight: 20gr (-10gr for other DJI cam, +5gr for 5vBEC) = 15gr Live-feed: - high latency (62ms avg) - choppy since 11% of the frames are dropped (and doubled) Power: had to install a BEC (my FC was too small) Box-contents: ND16 Filter! screws, cables

I'm your guy for HONEST reviews and opinions! If you wanna support this rare idea please check my PATREON: https://bit.ly/2ESMtIO ●▬▬▬LINKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ►►Runcam SplitHD: https://bit.ly/3EAVZJN Latency XLS download: https://bit.ly/3qvIgPc

Thursday, December 23, 2021

How to get CINEMATIC motionblur (and save precious YT bitrate)

There are a few ways, how we can achieve nice and smooth FPV footage. 4k60fps + stabilization is already butter-smooth out of the box. Problem tho: 60fps footage needs more bitrate than we get from youtube (at least in 1080p) so if you have a lot of moving objects it all degrades into a pixelated mess... (whilst looking nice and crisp before uploading it).
If the fast moving stuff is blurred - it "costs" less bitrate - so we have more bandwidth for the important objects that we want to see crisp! That's why we dial down to 30fps and make each frame a little unsharp. Now we get a smooth look still with good details - aka cinematic look. (and don't get me started on 24fps mistakenly used as cinematic look by many - it just looks jerky if you don't use big camera cranes, dollies or tripods) In my review of the Freewellgear ND Filters for the DJI Action 2 I also show you a bit about how to use them correctly and what to consider. Basically: set ISO to fixed 100-200 and exposure to auto! BUT: choose the right ND filter (lower number = brigther) Most flights I can use ND 8 or ND 16 and will be fine. Rarely needed ND32 or even 64 - gotta be very bright and sunny conditions to need those! Since this will be my last video before Xmas - merry Christmas to you all! Seasons Greetings, Mario

●▬▬▬LINKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● I stand for HONEST reviews and opinions! If you wanna support this idea please check my PATREON: https://bit.ly/2ESMtIO ►Freewellgear ND Filters: https://bit.ly/3sbcnOC my DJI Action 2 review: https://youtu.be/cBm5-nHy36I

Thursday, December 16, 2021

DJI Action 2 in the winter, FPV flights, Sharpness

...many reviews out there - but this one features lots of "cool" winter FPV shots and my honest opinion (spoiler - I like it!). Special test: sharpness comparison in different modes (use index!). (Seasons)greetings, Mario