Sunday, November 14, 2021

DJI FPV Kaiju Antennareview

Kaiju: a giant monster of a type featured in Japanese fantasy (Gozilla is a type kaiju).
Buy the Kaiju here: (no affiliate link!)
Claim: 9.63mi / 15.4km Gain: 9dBi @ 5.8 6.5Dbi @ 2.4 Pol: linear, vertical Horiz. Beam: 5.8: 55° 2.4:75° Vert.Beam: 5.8: 65° 2.4:70° Tested over 30 times out in the desert by flying different designs! Each antenna is hand made. When ordering don't forget to specify the Pilot's name to be engraved. ------------------------- ORT: DigieyesV2: 11dBi 2.4/5.8 ? Horiz: 110° V:75° Review: I DONT earn money with affiliate links - I'm not a sales guy, here you get HONEST reviews and opinions. If you wanna support me: 👍, sub, 🔔, watch, share or even become a PATRON: (there's early access and behind the scenes stuff over there!) ●▬▬▬LINKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ►Test data as XLSx, Script download: ORT Digieyes2 Review: SRT tutorial: MadsTech review:

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