Sunday, December 28, 2008

Blade mcx - xmas present

After reading and viewing many reviews the Blad mcx got on my xmas-wishlist and finaly under the tree!

Here's my maiden flying around the Christmas tree:

Since my first indoor heli I always wanted to make a flight through my entire home and show you all the rooms. But most of the little toy helis are very inaccurate and you can not go where you want but rather correct the little helis strange flight actions.
Blade mcx is the exception here - it moves right where you tell him to and so this vide was fairly easy to shoot (except for the two crashes :-)

And you surely noticed my moving back to youtube - they greatly improved the quality - so has stronger competition now!
(watch the heli tour on vimeo for comparsion)

And here's the review from Dave Herbert which finally got me:
Blade mcx flying

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