Sunday, March 22, 2009

Twinstar 2 Schlosswiese

Twinstar2 Schlosswiese (720p) from Mario Schimanko on Vimeo.

This was my 2cond flight with Lumix and Blackstork OSD - and it was windy again. But I was so anxious to go out and fly... I had to use the Adobe Elements stabilizer again - looks weird but helps the vid-smoothness.

I'm really waiting for a nice calm day now - but we all are - I know.

This time there's some sightseeing included (Our local Castle, a Church and the Company I work at).
The drilling truck which you see on the landing approach is there to prepare the construction of an huge railway-tunnel.

Furthest distance from "home": 370m
About 130m high

The start includes a short belly-landing-touch-and-go thing (which I did't plan that way :-)
On the landing I used full flaps again which really brings down the bird quick! This time the airspeed was too low and I could hardly balance the plane.

You can compare this flight with an earlier one at the same location (but back then we started from the lower field right next to the company):

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